Marleen Diekmann developed this method for her work in different cultures overseas. Where she at first visualised with stones and other objects that were at hand, she came to the idea of using Duplo as she entered her house after one of her trips and saw her daughters’ toys.
She developed this ‘language’ using the theoretical background of I. Boszormenyi-Nagy, (pronounce nodtsch) , that is based on the contextual philosophy, in which inter-generational and generational relationships are central. Relationships in the present can be studied by putting the personal experience of the client on the table with Duplo puppets. At the same time family history can be placed behind the puppets, because of the inevitable connection between the ‘here and the now‘ and the background of a person. Using the puppets the internal and external reality of the client becomes visual. The problem is visualised. This way the client can oversee her/his pain and relate to it.
It isn’t that overwhelming anymore, you can watch it from a little distance, and look at parts and feelings of yourself. This way you embrace the feelings you used to shut down and in this way more support developes from your self for what you go through. You create a starting point that feels less lonely and alone, in the safe and warm atmosphere of the therapy.
This is an insight-giving form that gives clarity. It structures the sometimes confusing reality of a client and also has an ordening effect for the therapist.
Through the image that is created on the table the client comes closer to his or her own feelings en is acknowledged for his or her pain, not only in words but also by looking at it .
The picture tends to glue to the retina, has a lot of ‘impact’. Some clients save it in a picture with their smartphone.
In relational therapy it is sometimes very helpfull to place the adult parts in puppets on het table and ask where the partners feel their inner childs are. It can be a strong image to see them stand far away from the adults who decided to stay together, and it shows without words what needs to be adressed. You can also put the two different experiences of the partners side by side on the table, partners can look at each others experience and expectations.